Saturday, September 12, 2009

The wonderful full of shit world of Crohns

All my life I knew something was going to happen to me. Something big, something that would change my life dramatically. Growing up I was excited, surely I was going to be famous.....even though I knew I had no talent, I am profoundly tone deaf. Sometimes I think singing (tone deaf and all)to an audience would be easier to handle that what actually made my life change.
About five years ago at the tender (yeah right) age of 22 the good old doctor told me I had Crohns disease. Now for those who want the factual explanation of what this is go ask Dr Google (me and him are great buds), and those who want the reality, for me (and it differs for everyone who has it) its like living with constant diarrhea. Lovely ah. So if you ever meet me and see me running, its not because I'm out for a pleasant jog!

This is my first post, I'm a virgin at this blogging world so brace yourself for the ride. I'm going to write about snappets of my life living with Crohns, all the glory details, the embarrassing shit (look at me trying to pull out a joke) that happens, just basically life as a 27yr old in Auckland, NZ, trying to live it as normally as I can, thats when the embarrassing stuff happens.

I know this is a little post, baby steps, but I'm off to watch a movie, its a rager of a Saturday night!

I always thought the font Verdana was veranda, all the years that I had spent tapping away on my merry computers were shattered when the truth came crashing into my world, I was gutted, no way can I pronounce Verdana.